Violence Prevention Training

“Normalizing these discussions will go a long way in building healthy relationships with others.”
– Cultivate Win Certificate Recipient

Program Details
3 x 90 minute sessions = 4.5 hours total
Who is it for?
- Athletic groups committed to a comprehensive transformation of their team’s culture
- Interest in a preventative approach rather than a reactive one
- Between ages 15-29
Program Delivery
- In-person
- Discussion-based
- Uses sport-specific scenarios
All the below subject matter is covered
What will you gain?
- Establish the foundations for a lasting healthy team culture and equip participants with tools to navigate challenging situations in the future
- Develop a list of values that the team commits to improving culture through an impactful exercise.
- Receive a poster of your teams culture commitment and goals to display
- Receive a plaque and certificate signifying your completion of the training
- Receive a digital certification logo showcase your dedication to developing athletes beyond performance
Consent and its importance in sport
How can athletes inspire a culture of consent?
Healthy vs unhealthy relationships inside and outside sport
The importance of speaking up and bystander intervention
Unpacking stereotypes that promote violence and discrimination
Addressing locker room talk
Team commitment exercise
Not sure which training is right for your group?
Program Overview
90 Minute Session
Learning Objectives:
- Characterize healthy and unhealthy culture within sports and how it translates into a larger community context.
- Realize the significance of speaking out against issues to promote positive change.
- Evaluate how personal actions and behaviours can be part of shaping a culture.
"The conversations we had as a team were really powerful and impactful”
Our Have a Word With Yourself Activity, emphasizes our important role in addressing harmful behaviour occurring around us, prompted by a powerful video that leads into a discussion. A post-workshop evaluation revealed that 100% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “I feel I can evaluate the significance of speaking out against issues to promote positive change” compared to 75% before completing the workshop.
90 Minute Session
Learning Objectives:
- Characterize the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships within the sports context and how they translate into contexts outside of sports.
- Realize how societal expectations/pressures can lead to harm and ultimately unhealthy relationships.
- Evaluate challenges/barriers to having healthy relationships.
“I liked that as girls and guys we communicated more with each other about feelings and compassion which doesn't happen normally which I liked.”
Our Act Like a Man/Woman/Human activity challenges harmful stereotypes by naming them and shifting the dialogue toward how a human being should act, aiming to address the impact of societal expectations on relationships and violence. A grade 12 male-identified Phys Ed student reflected, “The ‘act like a man’ sheets made me open my eyes on how society expects people to behave.”
90 Minute Session
Learning Objectives:
- Characterize what consent looks like, feels like, and sounds like, as well as identify the absence of consent.
- Understand how consent can impact the feeling of safety among players.
- Evaluate the importance of setting boundaries.
- Realize how personal actions contribute to creating a safe team environment.